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Key benefits

Save (a lot) on costs

OptiriseTM helps you save up to 20% on your Direct Operating Costs by optimizing your flight schedule.

Reduce your environmental footprint

Using OptiriseTM helps you avoid up to 15% of your carbon emission.

Plan & replan within minutes

A fleet bigger than 5 aircraft is a challenge to schedule. The number of possible combinations are up into the millions. A human can make a plan, but the process is tedious, and the result is often suboptimal. Let OptiriseTM do the work for you!

Make no mistakes

While optimizing your fleet plan, OptiriseTM checks for aircraft, infrastructure and crew constraints to make sure no scheduling mistakes remain.
Works through the millions of possible combinations within minutes.
Up to
Carbon emission
OptiriseTM factors in aircraft, infrastructure and crew constraints.
Up to
Works through the millions of possible combinations within minutes.
OptiriseTM factors in aircraft, infrastructure and crew constraints.
Up to
Up to
Carbon emission


For the fleet
For the team
Less repositioning time
Lower engine & airframe hours
Less fuel, Eurocontrol taxes, and CO2
Less repositioning time
Lower engine & airframe hours
Less fuel, Eurocontrol taxes, and CO2
Less repositioning time
Lower engine & airframe hours
Less fuel, Eurocontrol taxes, and CO2
Less repositioning time
Lower engine & airframe hours
Less fuel, Eurocontrol taxes, and CO2
Less repositioning time
Lower engine & airframe hours
Less fuel, Eurocontrol taxes, and CO2

For your fleet

Less ferry time means fewer engine and airframe hours, and lower fuel bills
Higher availability for more passenger flights
Less CO2 means less tax, better PR, and a greener planet
Maintenance deadlines are deferred

For your team

Save valuable time finding the optimal aircraft for each flight
Save your crew for high-value passenger flights
Peace of mind for managers who know their resources are used wisely

OptiriseTM connects with your Flight Management System

Fl3xx users
OptiriseTM is integrated with FL3XX, making it delightfully easy to test our tool!
Visit Fl3xx
Leon Software users
OptiriseTM integration with Leon Software enables a quick and easy connection!
Visit Leon Software
You use your own FMS
Let’s connect any system you use to the RISE API

OPTIRISETM connects with your
Flight Management System

Whether it is FL3XX, Leon Software, or your own FMS, OPTIRISETM will connect with your system to allow quick and easy optimizations

Real savings in four steps

UPLOAD YOUR schedule
Share your schedule in real time using RISE's API
Customize your optimization (which aircraft, how many days, etc.)
OptiriseTM provides aircraft swap suggestions to generate savings
ViSualize savings
Check your environmental and economical savings

OPTIRISETM is here to support you

Infrastructure checks
Runway compatibility and airport qualifications
Aircraft checks
Aircraft maximum range, capacity and runway performance
Crew checks
Crew duties and rest times
Electric aircraft
Ready for Advanced Air Mobility
Fast optimization
Optimal schedule generation within a few tens of seconds 
Easy decision making
Save time and facilitate decision making
Works through the millions of possible combinations within minutes.
Up to
Carbon emission
OptiriseTM factors in aircraft, infrastructure and crew constraints.
Up to
Works through the millions of possible combinations within minutes.
OptiriseTM factors in aircraft, infrastructure and crew constraints.
Up to
Up to
Carbon emission

OPTIRISETM is simple and effective

RISE boosts the operator’s efficiency using three levers

Sales process
quotation tool
Answer customer requests with instant & targeted quotes
Forecasting intelligence
RISE forecast
analysis tool
Increase profitability with forecast analysis and revenue management
Operating plans
RISE fleet
Optimize your schedule to minimize empty legs and maximize fleet usage
RISE partners with an IFC-accredited partner to offer certified carbon footprint analysis.
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